Effect Music For Babies

When classical music was played on the baby (even when the baby is still in the content) nerves stimulated his brain will oscillate. And this helps improve the intelligence of the brain.

4 Benefits of Listening to Music for Babies

To you who was pregnant, let's take a fetus in the womb to listen to music. Why? Music that has many benefits for physical development and infant brain.

Music Therapy For Babies - Babies To Grow Smart

Music is not just a matter of entertainment that pampers the ears. Strains of this rhythmic sound that can be used to stimulate the fetus to later become intelligent and creative child.

Benefits Of Music For Babies

If the individual is in a preferred atmosphere,pleasant atmosphere,then he would feel more comfortable,and comfort will give a positive impact on individuals in conducting their activities.

Music for Infant Stimulation Tips

For those of you who have babies,it never hurts to stimulate your baby with music.Actually not much different to stimulate baby while still in the womb.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Prevention Tips

Given Pneumonia is a sign of high-risk disease was initially very similar to the flu, it is good to the parents to remain vigilant by taking into account the following tips:

* Protects baby (children) from exposure to cigarette smoke, air pollution and the crowds that have the potential transmission.
* Protects your baby (child) from contact with people with shortness of breath.
* Familiarize breastfeeding.
* Immediate treatment if we find the child has fever, cough, colds. Especially if accompanied by hoarseness, shortness of breath and a tug on the muscles between the ribs (retractions).
* Check back in 2 days if improvement has not been revealed. And immediately to the hospital if the child's condition worsens.
* Hib immunization (to provide immunity against Haemophilus influenzae, Heptavalen Pneumococcal vaccine (to prevent IPD = invasive pneumococcal diseases) and influenzae vaccination in high risk children, primarily ages 6-23 months. Unfortunately this vaccine can not be enjoyed by all children because the price is quite expensive.


Treatment is aimed to eradicate micro-organisms cause. Although antibiotics are sometimes not needed if the cause is a virus, but for areas that do not have a culture of microorganisms facility would be problematic given the way the disease progresses rapidly, while on the other hand there is difficulty distinguishing between viral and bacterial causes. In addition, it is still possible involvement of secondary infection by bacteria.
Therefore, antibiotics are given if the patient has been defined as pneumonia.
Another problem in terms of treatment of patients with pneumonia is the limited access to services due to geographical factors. The location is remote and yet the prevalence of difficult access to care when transporting patients with pneumonia requiring further treatment (reference) in the hospital.

Signs of Pneumonia

Penumonia signs vary widely, depending on age groups, causing micro-organisms, the immune system (immunological) and severity of disease.
In general, begins with fever, cough, colds, hoarseness, sore throat. Furthermore, the higher the heat, the more severe cough, rapid breathing (tachypnea), the muscular ribs (retractions), shortness of breath and the patient becomes bluish (cyanotic). Sometimes accompanied by other signs such as headache, abdominal pain and vomiting (in children over 5 years).
In infants (aged under 1 year) signs of pneumonia are not specific, not always found fever and cough.
In addition to the signs above, WHO has been using a frequency counting breaths per minute based on age groups as one of the guidelines to facilitate the diagnosis of pneumonia, especially in basic health care institutions.
   Table: Guidelines for Calculation of Frequency of breathing (WHO)
Umur Anak
Nafas Normal
Takipnea (Nafas Cepat)
0 - 2 bulan
30-50 per menit
sama atau > 60 x per menit
2 - 12 bulan
25-40 per menit
sama atau > 50 x per menit
1 - 5 tahun
20-30 per menit
sama atau > 40 x per menit