Friday, June 24, 2011

Signs of Pneumonia

Penumonia signs vary widely, depending on age groups, causing micro-organisms, the immune system (immunological) and severity of disease.
In general, begins with fever, cough, colds, hoarseness, sore throat. Furthermore, the higher the heat, the more severe cough, rapid breathing (tachypnea), the muscular ribs (retractions), shortness of breath and the patient becomes bluish (cyanotic). Sometimes accompanied by other signs such as headache, abdominal pain and vomiting (in children over 5 years).
In infants (aged under 1 year) signs of pneumonia are not specific, not always found fever and cough.
In addition to the signs above, WHO has been using a frequency counting breaths per minute based on age groups as one of the guidelines to facilitate the diagnosis of pneumonia, especially in basic health care institutions.
   Table: Guidelines for Calculation of Frequency of breathing (WHO)
Umur Anak
Nafas Normal
Takipnea (Nafas Cepat)
0 - 2 bulan
30-50 per menit
sama atau > 60 x per menit
2 - 12 bulan
25-40 per menit
sama atau > 50 x per menit
1 - 5 tahun
20-30 per menit
sama atau > 40 x per menit


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